9 research outputs found

    El efecto favorable del Paradigma Lean Manufacturing sobre la reducción de defectos. Técnicas de simulación discreta

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    De manera general, los sistemas de producción buscan optimizar su rendimiento minimizando todas las posibles fuentes de desperdicio en la cadena de valor sobre la que actúan. Una fuente de desperdicio clásica son los defectos. Para disminuir la tasa de defectos y como consecuencia aumentar el rendimiento de los sistemas de producción, en este trabajo proponemos la utilización del paradigma Lean Manufacturing (Fabricación Flexible) como alternativa a otros paradigmas de comportamiento empleados habitualmente en dichos sistemas de producción. Más concretamente, en este trabajo pretendemos demostrar mediante técnicas de simulación discreta, el efecto favorable que el paradigma Lean Manufacturing y particularmente el empleo de uno de sus principios, el principio Jidoka (calidad en origen), provoca sobre la reducción de defectos en los sistemas de producción

    An agent-based simulator for quantifying the cost of uncertainty in production systems

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    Product-mix problems, where a range of products that generate different incomes compete for a limited set of production resources, are key to the success of many organisations. In their deterministic forms, these are simple optimisation problems; however, the consideration of stochasticity may turn them into analytically and/or computationally intractable problems. Thus, simulation becomes a powerful approach for providing efficient solutions to real-world productmix problems. In this paper, we develop a simulator for exploring the cost of uncertainty in these production systems using Petri nets and agent-based techniques. Specifically, we implement a stochastic version of Goldratt’s PQ problem that incorporates uncertainty in the volume and mix of customer demand. Through statistics, we derive regression models that link the net profit to the level of variability in the volume and mix. While the net profit decreases as uncertainty grows, we find that the system is able to effectively accommodate a certain level of variability when using a Drum-Buffer-Rope mechanism. In this regard, we reveal that the system is more robust to mix than to volume uncertainty. Later, we analyse the cost-benefit trade-off of uncertainty reduction, which has important implications for professionals. This analysis may help them optimise the profitability of investments. In this regard, we observe that mitigating volume uncertainty should be given higher consideration when the costs of reducing variability are low, while the efforts are best concentrated on alleviating mix uncertainty under high costs.This article was financially supported by the State Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/50110 0 011033), via the project SPUR, with grant ref. PID2020–117021GB-I00. In addition, the authors greatly appreciate the valuable and constructive feedback received from the Editorial team of this journal and two anonymous reviewers in the different stages of the review process

    Factores determinantes para la satisfacción del turista en destinos de interior: Impacto sobre el problema de la despoblación

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    Depopulation is currently a major problem in Spain, especially in inland areas. Tourism can help alleviate this problem. Therefore, competitive advantages must be enhanced by developing a capable and sustainable tourism model that can lead to the desired level of development in a given geographical area. A powerful decision-making and diagnostic tool was created for the tourism industry in the Burgos Province, Spain to identify the key factors in tourist satisfaction, which can influence the decision to recommend and revisit a destination. This study presents this tool and a theoretical model of tourism satisfaction. The findings emphasize the significance of the perception that tourists have of the quality of a destination's goods and services and its impact on satisfaction. Enhancing tourist satisfaction can have important implications for improving tourism management and, consequently, addressing the depopulation problem.La despoblación es actualmente uno de los principales problemas que deben ser afrontados, especialmente en zonas de interior. El turismo es un sector que puede ayudar a aliviar este problema. Por tanto, sería conveniente potenciar las ventajas competitivas mediante un modelo turístico competente y sostenible que permita alcanzar un deseado nivel de desarrollo en una determinada zona geográfica. El trabajo implementa una poderosa herramienta de diagnóstico y de toma de decisiones para la actividad turística de la provincia de Burgos (España), identificando los factores clave en la satisfacción del turista, los cuales pueden ser decisivos en la decisión de recomendar y revisitar el destino seleccionado. Para ello, el trabajo presenta un modelo teórico de satisfacción turística. Los resultados destacan la importancia de la percepción del turista sobre los servicios del destino y sobre la calidad de los productos, así como su impacto en la satisfacción. Así que, mejorar esta calidad puede tener importantes implicaciones en mejorar la eficiencia de la gestión turística y, consecuentemente, en un mejor tratamiento del problema de la despoblación.This work was financially supported by the Development Society of Burgos (SODEBUR), City Council and Provincial Council of Burgos (Arts. 83: H01T.05, H02V.05, H05W.05, H05X.05, H01Y.05 and H00Z.05), and by State Research Agency (Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain) and FEDER Funds (Knowledge Generation Projects) through the project “Methodologies for solving problems with economic, social and environmental criteria. Application to healthcare resource management” (ECOSOEN-HEALTH, grant ref. PID2022-139543OB-C44)

    Quality in organizations: its capacity for transformation to create sustainable value

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    This paper shows the growing importance of the commitment of people and organizations to continuous personal, institutional and social improvement in order to generate sustainable value. It analyzes the evolution of the concept of quality in the different development stages of the organizations and specifies the main systems of recognition of quality and excellence at a global level, obtaining the results of the recognitions with the systems of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) both by sectors and by countries in the last years. The progress has been significant and there is still a long way to go to achieve, as far as possible, the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations for 2030. The proposal for the new EFQM Model will undoubtedly contribute to achieving the SDGs. Because the model offers a framework and methodology to help with the changes, transformation and disruption that people and organizations face every day by measuring where they are on the path to sustainable value creation

    Simulación como herramienta de ayuda para la toma de decisiones empresariales. Un caso práctico // Simulation as a Business Decision Making Tool. A Case Study

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    La toma de decisiones empresariales es un factor crítico para la viabilidad de las empresas. En el actual escenario más dinámico, global y competitivo, este factor crítico abre espacio a requerimientos más amplios. El modelado y la simulación tradicionalmente han formado parte sustancial del juego de herramientas utilizadas para el soporte a la toma de decisiones, especialmente en referencia a la toma de decisiones estratégicas. En este trabajo, pretendemos mostrar una perspectiva clara sobre el valor añadido que ofrece la simulación. En primer lugar, se describen las etapas que deben llevarse a cabo para completar un proceso de toma de decisiones mediante simulación. A continuación, se desarrolla un caso práctico en el que se plasman dichas etapas frente a la decisión de implantar un comportamiento PUSH o un comportamiento PULL en una determinada empresa. Los resultados obtenidos nos conducen a la decisión de implantar PULL en favor de PUSH, mostrando que el valor esperado de las técnicas de simulación justifica que una organización madura incorpore tales técnicas en su banco de talento corporativo.------------------------------------Business decision making is a critical factor to the viability of companies. In the current more dynamic, global and competitive scenario, this critical factor opens space to wider requirements. Modeling and simulation have traditionally formed a substantial part of the toolkit used to support decision making, especially in the business strategy field. In this paper, our aim is to open a clear perspective on the added value offered by simulation. We first introduce an overview about the process of decision making based on simulation. Next, a case study is developed, in which such steps are reflected to decide whether to implement a PUSH behavior or a PULL behavior in a particular company. The results obtained lead us to the decision to implement PULL instead of PUSH, showing that simulation techniques are a very valuable tool to have in the bank of knowledge in any mature company.Artículo revisado por pare

    Selection of investment portfolios with social responsibility: a multiobjective model and a Tabu search method

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    In this study, a model for the selection of investment portfolios is proposed with three objectives. In addition to the traditional objectives of maximizing profitability and minimizing risk, maximization of social responsibility is also considered. Moreover, with the purpose of controlling transaction costs, a limit is placed on the number of assets for selection. To the best of our knowledge, this specific model has not been considered in the literature to date. This model is difficult (NP-Hard), and therefore, only very small instances may be solved in an exact way. This paper proposes a method based on tabu search and multiobjective adaptive memory programming (MOAMP) strategies. With this method it is possible to obtain sets of nondominated solutions in short computational times. To check the performance of our method it is compared with adaptations of the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA-II) and multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO). The results of different computational experiments show that our tabu search-MOAMP method performed best. The quality of the sets of solutions that were obtained and the speed of execution mean that our tabu search-MOAMP can be used as a tool for financial assessment and analysis (including online services). This tool, as we can see in this work with some examples, can take into account the social concerns of many clients and their overall risk profile (very conservative, conservative, moderate, or fearless). This approach is also in line with current legal regulations that oblige financial advisors to take the client profile into account to provide greater protection and propose good financial advice.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was partially supported by FEDER funds and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects PID2019-104263RB-C44 and PDC2021– 121021-C22), the Regional Government of “Castilla y León”, Spain (Projects BU329U14 and BU071G19), the Regional Government of “Castilla y León” and FEDER funds (Projects BU062U16, COV2000375 and BU056P20)

    Puntos diana como localizaciones para la realización de encuestas: Índice de Potencialidad Turística de la provincia de Burgos

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    This work analyzes an inventory of the touristic resources of the province of Burgos (Spain) and identifies with it the municipalities with the greatest touristic attraction, thus identifying the target points that facilitate the planning of the fieldwork process to obtain the opinion of tourists. To provide an analytical approach, this study adopts a quantitative technique by constructing a weighted synthetic index following a hierarchical process. The results show that the province of Burgos stands out for its high natural or landscape heritage, with access through minor roads and with a high offer of hotels and rural houses as well as restaurants and cafeterias. Fairs declared of interest, access by rail and the offer of hostels, apartments and campsites offer fewer outstanding values. The work proposes the realization of around 383 observations in each of the eight target points identified. The results obtained are clear enough to motivate decision-makers to address their efforts and investments in improving and adjusting their strategies to increase the quality of offer and demand in the touristic sector.Este trabajo analiza un inventario de los recursos turísticos de la provincia de Burgos (España) e identifica con dicho inventario los municipios con una mayor atracción turística, identificando también así los puntos diana que facilitan la planificación del proceso de trabajo de campo para obtener la opinión de los turistas. Para proporcionar una aproximación analítica, este estudio adopta una técnica cuantitativa para la construcción de un índice sintético ponderado siguiendo un proceso jerárquico. Los resultados muestran que la provincia de Burgos destaca por su elevado patrimonio natural o paisajístico, con acceso a través de carreteras secundarias y con una elevada oferta de hoteles y casas rurales, así como restaurantes y cafeterías. Ferias declaradas de interés, accesos a través de ferrocarril y oferta de albergues, apartamentos y campings ofrecen unos valores menos destacados. El trabajo propone la realización de alrededor de 383 observaciones en cada uno de los ocho puntos diana identificados. Los resultados obtenidos son los suficientemente claros como para motivar a los tomadores de decisiones a dirigir sus esfuerzos e inversiones en mejorar y ajustar sus estrategias para incrementar la calidad de la oferta y la demanda en el sector turístico